
Showing posts from April, 2018


山  居 秋  暝     英译

( shān jū qiū mínɡ          山   居 秋  暝                   王   维   kōnɡ shān xīn yǔ hòu , tiān qì wǎn lái qiū  空   山   新  雨 后  , 天   气 晚  来  秋  。  mínɡ yuè sōnɡ jiān zhào , qīnɡ quán shí shànɡ liú   明   月  松   间   照   , 清   泉   石  上    流  。 zhú xuān ɡuī huàn nǚ...


己所不欲,勿施于人: “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire,” a quote from Confucius. 成大事者,不与众谋: A saying from Zhan Guo Ce, also known as Strategies of the Warring States, that translates as: “Those who can make big changes don ’t go with the usual way common people take.” 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸: A Chinese saying adapted from Aesop’s fables, it translates as: “Don’t say it’s sour grapes only because you don’t get to taste it.” 愚公移山: The saying means “the foolish old man removed mountains.” It’s originated from an ancient story where a man persisted in digging and removing a mountain he found inconvenient. 站着说话不腰疼: This roughly translates ...

About CCAA

回顾历史、展望未来、着眼现在! Introduction Cabarrus Chinese American Association (CCAA) is a non-profit 501c(3) organization that was founded by Dr. Mike Wang in 2011,then  a research scientist at NCRC and serves as the first board chair. CCAA operates a Chinese language school program, and organizes or participates in various educational,cultural and charitable activities, through which to advocate the preservation of Chinese cultural heritage , and to promote diversity and intercultural understanding and cooperation. CCAA is governed by a Board of Directors and operated according to the Non-Profit Bylaws of CCAA. Current serving Board members from Sep. 1 2016 to Aug. 31 2018 are as follows: Full Name Title Profession Xinguo (Mike) Wang Chair Business Owner Yaoen Zhang Vice Chair IT Yu Sun Secretary IT Maggie Li Pesident Real estate agent Faith Zhang Vice President Insurance Jin Hou Treasurer The major events of CCAA  and past board members lis...